One of the area's biggest community events, HoliFest, returns to Greenwich on Saturday, May 3rd, from 2 to 6 p.m. That is an hour longer -- with more musical and dance performances, cricket batting cages, more food vendors (dosas and tacos!) and more henna artists. That is in addition to DJ, YMCA's Kid Zone, and group and community tents. For the massive color throw -- get ready -- ICC has ordered over a TON OF COLOR!
Everyone who purchases tickets by April 18 is guaranteed a FREE HoliFest 2025 commemorative t-shirt to wear during the color throw. Plus, each family will receive a gift bag as they leave.
HoliFest is ICC's opportunity to share the joy and playfulness of one of India's biggest holidays. It's a BLAST!
Saturday, May 3rd 2-6 pm
Roger Sherman Baldwin Park
100 Arch Street, Greenwich
(immediately off Rte. 95 Exit 3)
Purchase tickets by April 18 to be guaranteed a FREE commemorative HoliFest 2025 t-shirt!
Kids 12 through Adult: $25
Kids 3 to 11: $12.50
Kids under 3: FREE
*Ticket prices increase at 5:00 pm on May 2nd
Tickets will be available at the gate
Kids 12 through Adult: $30
Kids 3 to 11: $15
Kids under 3: FREE
*Commemorative HoliFest 2025 t-shirts may not be
available for event day ticket sales.
Included with your ticket:
Everything but food. The ticket price includes colored powder, dance performances, kids' activities, cricket cages, and henna. Register by April 18 to be guaranteed a FREE commemorative HoliFest 2025 white t-shirt for the color throw. (General Admission ticket holders will not have access to tables and should bring lawn chairs and/or tarps and blankets to sit.)
Please see below for Group Tent Pricing. Tents must be purchased by April 18th
If you want to experience HoliFest with friends and family, there are a limited number of reserved tables and group tents available, first-come-first-served.
Tents must be purchased by midnight on April 18th
Community Tents give groups of 12 a place to meet, the conveniences of a picnic table and bypassing registration, and the benefit of being under a tent.
Register early, there are a limited number of tables available.
For groups up to 12
Children ages 3/under are free and not included in the group count.
Package includes: Picnic table in the Community Tent with VIP Registration. Commemorative HoliFest 2025 t-shirts and wristbands will be stocked at your designated table. The first round of color will be delivered to your table 10 minutes before the color throw. You can also pre-order food that will be delivered to your table.
Community Tent guests can go directly to the tent upon arrival. Names will be printed on table signs.
Table for 12 in the community tent: $480
Private Tents give your group the VIP experience! No standing in registration, food lines, or color lines. You will bypass registration and head straight to your tent stocked with commemorative Holifest 2025 t-shirts and wristbands. Your first round of color will be delivered to your tent 10 minutes prior to color throw. Private tents may also pre-order food and have it delivered to your tent. And your group's name will be prominently displayed on a banner on the front of the tent.
Schools, organizations, and other groups will be named "Community Partners" and cited on ICC websites and in marketing.
Tents must be purchased by midnight on April 18th. Quantities are limited.
Mini Tent- $1000
10ft x 10ft Tent
1 Table
10ft Banner
For groups up to 20
(Children ages 3/under are free and not included in the group count).
*Contact ICC to add on up to 5 more people at $25pp
Medium Tent- $2000
10ft x 20ft Tent
2 Tables
10ft Banner
For groups up to 40
(Children ages 3/under are free and not included in the group count).
*Contact ICC to add on up to 10 more people at $25pp
Mega Tent- $3000
20ft x 20ft Tent
4 Table
20ft Banner
For groups up to 60
(Children ages 3/under are free and not included in the group count).
*Contact ICC to add on up to 20 more people at $25pp
Packages include: Tent with tables and chairs stocked with commemorative HoliFest 2025 t-shirts, wristbands, and color. *Color will be delivered to your tent 10 minutes before the color throw.
Tent guests can go directly to tents upon arrival. Your group's name will be printed on a banner.
HoliFest 2025 is made possible by the generous support of these sponsors.
Become a sponsor! Contact margie@iccgreenwich.org for sponsorship opportunities.